Project Management
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Starta provides three powerful management services to insure timely completion of every project. You and your team will have a comprehensive view of every relevant task--completed, upcoming, and overdue. Your organization can control multi-organizational processes as Starta notifies teams of their required tasks. Stages within each project will automatically direct people to supporting documents.
STARTA gives you efficiency that is not possible through manual efforts. Your organization can join the industry leaders by providing the tools that your employees need.
Job Tracking
Job Tracking is our simplest project management tool. Track important dates, both estimated and actual, upcoming and past, and assign reminders to be sent out based on project participants' roles. Multiple central templates can be defined, or you can configure jobs as you go.
Workflows are our middle-level project management tool. A Workflow is a linear progression of work, which is passed along a line of people with specific assigned roles (these people may be part of internal departments or staff, or external partners or vendors). Documents can be tracked through each stage, and a stage can be assigned a due date. Each stage in a Workflow is assigned to a role, and email notices are sent out to each participant with the specified role as the stage they are assigned to becomes active. Robust templates can be centrally defined, then modified on an as-needed basis at each individual project. Many clients find that Workflows provide just the right blend of simplicity and power.
Process Tracking
Process Tracking is the ultimate project management tool, optimal for automating complicated, highly interwoven business processes. Unlike Workflows, Process Tracking is completely centrally defined. A Process can have branching paths, multiple open stages at once, and paths which return to a previous step based on outcomes at a later stage. Process Tracking allows a stage to wait until a certain date or until a certain amount of time has passed before going to the next step, and allows for the creation of custom emails that can be sent to any email address when specific events occur. Process Tracking also includes automatic emails which are sent to related parties when input is required, and includes a graphical flowchart overview that everyone can view.
As with any high-powered project management tool, Process Tracking can take more effort to set up than do most of our other components. However, with our centralized design for Processes, integration of updates is never a hassle. And best of all, while some specialized knowledge may be required for the administrators or people who set up your Processes, no such knowledge is required for the end users involved in Processes. People simply receive an email whenever input is required from them, and this email then directs them to a page with instructions for what to do next and one or more choices for reporting the outcome of the current stage of the Process. Once the person chooses an outcome, the Process continues on its own, notifying the next related parties that the next step(s) are ready to be taken.
We're Always Adding New Features!
In our commitment to serve all our clients, our system is always expanding. We try to keep our feature lists up to date, but there is a good chance that there are a number of features that are not listed here. For a full feature list, please contact us.
Free Account Overview
Test drive Starta with our free, no obligation account demonstration. In the demo environment you can try our platinum core services along with sample data and reports.
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Starta Development does not sell, license, or rent any individually identifiable information about you to any third party without your consent and will protect the individually identifiable information you provide to us.