Funding Management
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Starta complements your existing accounting software by managing applications and fund allocations at a business level. Our service manages all information, documentation, communication and projects for each allocation, round and applicant. Authorized team members can develop online applications or accept funding requests from existing Starta-enabled developers. Collaborative management services enable tasks to be automatically passed from team to team to guarantee timely service and prevent lost information.
Whether you provide New Market Tax Credits, loans or grants, Starta manages all your needs from the time the funds are applied for tot he time they are completely disbursed.
Data Tracking
- Grants Detail
- Loans Detail
- Equity Detail
- Allocation/Allocation Round Detail
- Fund/CDE Detail
- Open Funding & Round-based Funding
- Criteria Requirements
- Required Compliance Reports
- Pipeline Dates
- Borrower/Recipient Contact Sheet
- Disbursements
- Cash Flows
Other Features
- Participant Management
- Proposal Management
- Communication Tools
- Reporting Service
- Document Management
- Project Management
- General Entity Features
We're Always Adding New Features!
In our commitment to serve all our clients, our system is always expanding. We try to keep our feature lists up to date, but there is a good chance that there are a number of features that are not listed here. For a full feature list, please contact us.
Free Account Overview
Test drive Starta with our free, no obligation account demonstration. In the demo environment you can try our platinum core services along with sample data and reports.
Privacy Policy
Starta Development does not sell, license, or rent any individually identifiable information about you to any third party without your consent and will protect the individually identifiable information you provide to us.